Ebbe Drain E103 Hair Trap
Shipped with every Ebbe E4400 Riser, the E103 hair trap is just another great feature of the Ebbe drain system. In fact, the Ebbe Square Drain is the only shower drain
available that incorporates a hair trap.
Because cleaning a drain shouldn't be difficult, Ebbe has taken the concept of an easily removable grate, and added an easily replaceable hair trap that can be changed without a call to the plumber. The Ebbe hair trap does exactly what its meant to do; keep the hair from doing down the drain and clogging the pipe. In fact, it might just stop that diamond ring from accidentally going down the drain!
Available in 8-packs, the Ebbe Hair Trap is designed to be easily removed and replaced. No need to get your hands dirty trying to wash it clean and reusing.
The Ebbe Hair Trap features include:
- 3" - Fits Ebbe standard 4" square drain
- Not visible from the top surface of the drain
- Easily accessible from inside the shower
- Hair removes easily from the trap, no snags!
- Inexpensive enough to simply throw away each time
- Allows water to drain even when full