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Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy doesn’t just smell good, it also benefits you in many ways. Some aromatherapy benefits that are more commonly known include:

  • Relaxation and stress relief
  • Mood enhancement, balance and well being
  • Relief of minor discomforts
  • Boosting the immune, respiratory and circulatory systems

As scents are inhaled, the smell travels across the olfactory nerves located inside the nose and then up into the part of the brain that controls our moods, our memories and our ability to learn. This area is called the Limbic System and when stimulated it releases endorphins, neurotransmitters and other ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

To take advantage of  the healing properties associated with aromatherapy, we offer two series of essential oils that can be used with the Series 200 and 300 Towel Warmers.  The Chakra Oils were specifically formulated to be used with chromotherapy lighting, and have blended fragrances to compliment seven different colors of the rainbow.  Essential Oils are made from natural plant extracts and provide the soothing scents of Eucalyptus, Lavender, Evergreen, Mint and Breathe.  By the simple addition of a Chromotherapy light bulb, your bathroom can effectively become a mood altering space full of the colors of the rainbow. 

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